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Message from the superintendent

Dear Parents and Staff:

Further to Peace River School Division’s initial correspondence on November 25, 2020, outlining the mandatory shifts in learning as announced from the Alberta Government on November 24, 2020, this correspondence provides greater details and clarification of what the weeks ahead will look like.

First and foremost, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our school communities. This ever-changing landscape impacts everyone and we are extremely grateful for the continued support, patience and understanding of all our school communities.

Please note that it is expected, and very much encouraged that students participate fully in at-home learning as outlined in PRSD’s Scenario 3 Plan. Grades will be given for assignments, quizzes, exams, and projects that will go toward each student’s final mark. Content delivery for each grade is broken down as per Alberta Education guidelines in the PRSD Scenario 3 Plan. View PRSD’s Scenario 3 Plan in detail at the link at the end of this letter.


● November 30, 2020 – December 18, 2020 – grades 7 – 12 classes will move to Scenario 3 (at home learning). Kindergarten to grade six classes continue at school until December 18, 2020.

● December 19, 2020 – January 3, 2021 – Christmas Break – no school for students or staff.

● January 4, 2021 – January 9, 2021 – All classes (Kindergarten to grade 12) will move to Scenario 3 (at-home learning).

● January 11, 2021 – Kindergarten to grade 12 students return to in-person classes at school.

Additional Points:

● Technology will be loaned to families who require it for online learning. This is being coordinated by the school.

● For families without reliable internet services, schools will share plans whereby packages of materials will be developed and made available for students, and for students to return any required work for feedback and grading.

● Students with special or complex needs and/or high-risk circumstances in grades 7 – 12 may attend school (if staffing levels are adequate) to receive specialized programming. This is being coordinated by PRSD Learning Services Department and each respective school.

● Individual students in grades 7 – 12 may attend the school by appointment for additional help, to use resources, or gather materials.

● PRSD School Social Workers will provide mental health support via single phone sessions for students who are struggling. The 15-30 minute phone sessions can be coordinated by parents by speaking with their child’s teacher or school principal.

● Grades 10-12 students enrolled in Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses will continue their studies with modified learning at the discretion of the teacher.

● Peace Regional Outreach Campus and Daycare and Fairview and Area Learning Store will remain open with no disruption to the current structure and schedule.

● Bus services for grades 7 – 12 students (who normally ride the school bus) is available for students who have an appointment at the school. In order for the Transportation Department to transition the routes smoothly for pick up, the PRSD transportation department must be notified 48 hours in advance of the appointment. Details such as the length of the appointment is critical to coordinate transportation services.

● Staffing levels and funding remain intact.

PRSD reminds families to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 using the Alberta Health Screening Questionnaire. If you or a member of your family has any of the symptoms of illness listed, please complete the online Alberta Health Services COVID-19 self-assessment.

PRSD remains committed to meeting government requirements to ensure the safety and well-being of our school communities. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as we coordinate and plan according to the new requirements.

View PRSD Scenario 3 Plan here:


Dr. Paul Bennett
Superintendent of Schools
Peace River School Division

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